Blog Archive


Friday, November 14, 2008

A New Canvas...

To go with a new start....

It seems like there has been a collective sigh of relief among folks as the election tension has been eased and things are returning to normal. As normal as one can be as the markets go diving around like sparrows pestering a hawk and the old guard grumbles and moans about this being the end of the world as we know it.

I feel that as long as there are squirrels to be chased from tree top to tree top, that all will be well in the world, or so the Beardie thinks. As if running through the freshly mown grass at the highest of all warp speed rates will somehow make the world slow it's spinning. Never fear, the Beardie is in control and the aging process will slow down.

The Beardie was quite surprised on one of the passes through the yard to find that a miracle had occured, a squirrel in one acrobatic leap as a tree top flyer, missed the corresponding connection flight and fell to the ground with a heart stopping thud.

Imagine the surprise on both faces as they stared at each other for that long pause of a second before reality sunk in. Then of course the game was on!

The squirrel did an exit stage right and the Beardie, as he has no sense of direction, did an exit stage left before doing a 180 spin through the grass to dive into the brush in hot pursuit of the escaping rodent. Alas, the squirrel was quicker at recovering than the Beardie and lived to fight another day.

We are at that point of pause where the Beardie and the squirrel stare at each other in surprise that they have come face to face and now the mad scramble to escape or to chase begins.

How will it end? The Beardie isn't sure, but his attention span is lacking and it is most likely going to end where it begins again and that is in hot pursuit of the dream of catching a squirrel.

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Julie L. Cleveland
Longtime Member of the International Polymer Clay Guild, published author and polymer clay artist.
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